[REDWatch Heritage] Update on Central to Eveleigh Issues

Geoff Turnbull geoff at turnbulls-au.com
Tue Nov 25 12:35:36 EST 2014

Dear All,

This is a quick update on a number of Central to Eveleigh matters to bring
you up to date with current C2E issues. 

As the information in this update relates to people on a number of REDWatch
lists I apologise in advance that those on multiple lists who will receive
this email more than once.

UG 'Thinking and Visioning' Workshop 9 December 6pm-9pm

UrbanGrowth is starting to talk more widely to the community and is looking
for community people to be involved in a community 'Thinking and Visioning'
workshop on the evening of the 9th December from 6pm to 9pm in the Redfern
area. The plan is to bring together about 130 people, 30 about as
representatives of key groups around the site, about 50 people who
self-nominate through register your interest
<http://urbangrowthnsw.com.au/work/central-to-eveleigh-registration.aspx> on
the UG website and the balance to be randomly selected through a telephone
call process.

This is the first UG event open to interested members of the broader public.
We encourage you to register your interest
<http://urbangrowthnsw.com.au/work/central-to-eveleigh-registration.aspx>  .

If you cannot go on 9th December but are interested in making sure you or
your organisation are advised of future consultations I suggest you
communicate this to UG C2E by email C2E at urbangrowth.nsw.gov.au, the on line
"Contact Us" form,  or telephone (02) 4927 7490.

UG say the workshop will build on the emerging key themes from previous
engagement with the community.

*	Housing: Consider a variety of housing types that meet the needs of
a diverse community.
*	Employment: Build on the potential of the Sydney city centre as well
as the local innovative and emerging creative, education and health
*	Transport and connections: Create connections and permeability
across the rail corridor, upgrade Redfern Station and reduce car dependency
and traffic through better support for walking and cycling.
*	Heritage and Culture: Acknowledge, increase access to and build the
strengths of the existing rich heritage and cultural assets of the area.
*	Sustainability and resilience: Demonstrate contemporary excellence
in design that is socially and environmentally sustainable.
*	Public Space: Develop new space and revitalise existing space so it
is safe and actively used by the community and contributes to a vibrant
*	Community Infrastructure: Ensure a diverse offering of community
facilities to meet current and future needs and social infrastructure is
planned early and continues to be a key consideration throughout the

You can find out more on the Central2Evelegh section of the UG website
-to-eveleigh-urban-transformation-and-transport-program.aspx>  - When UG fix
the redirection www.central2eveleigh.com.au should take you to this site.
Documents available on the download tab include some of the work UG C2E has
already undertaken.

The idea of mixing randomly selected community members, those with a
self-registered interest and representatives from existing groups is UG's
new way of consulting and it will be interesting to see how it goes. There
were quite significant differences between the concerns raised by group
representatives and the randomly selected groups in the mid-year concept
plan discussion - see the Consultations Outcomes Report - June 2014
ionOutcomesReport_v2.pdf> . In part this difference was because those from
resident groups wanted to have a broader conversation with C2E than simply
feed-back to them on the questions put to the focus groups. There needs to
be opportunities for input on what UG is looking for feedback on as well as
the opportunity to discuss the valid concerns of  group representatives who
have been dealing with development issues and community concerns over the
last 10 years at lease in REDWatch's case. There also needs to be
transparency in what UG are doing in their focus groups, phone polls and
recruitment so that everyone can have confidence that they are not in effect
push polling by the way that information is being presented. This concern
has again been raised by a report of a recent phone call recruiting for the
9 December event.

UG C2E On Line Survey

UrbanGrowth is also undertaking an Thinking and Visioning  Online Survey
<http://www.urbangrowthnsw.com.au/survey/survey.aspx?prev=true&id=69>  - you
can see all the questions at the beginning and we encourage you to make your

UG Engaging Public Housing Tenants - 1st December 2:30-5:30pm

The public housing estate at South Eveleigh is on the Draft Concept and Key
Issues summary - June 2014
KeyIssuesSummary%28June2014%29.pdf>  for early development within the next 5
years and yet UG had not held anything to explain what was happening to
public housing tenants in the area covered by the UG proposal. Friends of
Erskineville and the Waterloo Neighbourhood Advisory Board stepped into the
void to try and support South Eveleigh tenants. 

UG has arranged to come to Rotary Park at South Eveleigh on Monday 1st
December with information on the Central to Eveleigh Corridor Concept Plan
process. It will collect details of residents interested in attending the
workshop on 9th of December and will answer any questions. Free ice-cream,
fruit and activities for kids will be provided to encourage involvement. For
further information contact Stuart Gibb, UrbanGrowth's Community Development
Manager at sgibb at urbangrowth.nsw.gov.au.

How Should UG talk to our Diverse Community?

Urbangrowth has been contacting some local organisations to discuss how it
is best to go about community engagement. Many of the organisations that
read our emails have extensive networks into parts of the community
surrounding the C2E site. If you have any suggestions about how you wish to
see your networks (schools, churches, clubs, interest groups, youth groups
etc) engaged in this process then contact Vanessa Gordon, the Project
Communications Advisor, who is working on this project at
C2E at urbangrowth.nsw.gov.au. Suggestions about how to best engage broadly
with those not involved in local networks are especially welcome.

UG Studies

UG is currently undertaking some studies of the corridor flowing from the
feedback the received on the Draft Concept and Key Issues summary - June
KeyIssuesSummary%28June2014%29.pdf> . We have asked UG to make details of
all studies being undertaken publically available as happened with the
growth studies undertaken by the SMDA. We have also asked that the
consultants briefs also be publically released again as was done by the SMDA
- see as an example Social Impact Scoping
<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/bep2smda/sia/120221smda> & Assessment Brief.
The earlier study has recently been released and it is on the REDWatch
website at Report for Social Impact Scoping and Assessment Consultation
Outcomes Report May 2012
<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/bep2smda/sia/120511smda/view> .

One of the consultants that has been appointed is GHD, which did the earlier
Social Impact Scoping and Assessment for SMDA. GHD has been speaking to
human service providers in the area and is undertaking a "Social
Sustainability Due Diligence Study". Earlier this year UG C2E had an
Expression of Interest (EOI) process for Urban Design Services but it has
not released any information on current studies being undertaken.

Indicative Development from the Fly-throughs

UG C2E released a July version of the indicative development fly-through to
the SMH for its article Sydney renewal project at Eveleigh likely to be
scaled back
caled-back-20140926-10lwdp.html>  - you can watch the fly through from the
link on the SMH website. We have extracted stills from the flythrough for
the areas identified in the concept plan document so you can see what is
being shown to the industry as the indicative development for the site. You
can see these stills on the REDWatch website at Central to Eveleigh Corridor
Indicative Development July 2014
<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/corridor/140703ug> .

One area of ongoing concern to REDWatch is that around Eveleigh the
indicative development is only possible if key heritage buildings are
removed. If the heritage buildings stay in their existing form then the
"indicative development" is not possible. Missing in the July fly-through
are: The New Locomotive Workshop, The Works Managers office, The Chief
Mechanical Engineers Building, the Scientific Services Building, The
Telecommunications Equipment Centre and The Paint Shop - all of which are
listed as heritage items under the earlier RWA's Major Project SEPP! UG has
responded that it is just indicative and it does not mean that heritage will
be touched. However if the retention of heritage impacts on what is being
shown to government and industry as indicative development then we are very
concerned that there will be pressure on these key heritage buildings down
the track to help deliver the indicative development indicated.

Finally keep an eye on the Central to Eveleigh Tab
<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/corridor>  on the REDWatch website for the
latest information as we find it out. If you become aware of anything that
might be of interest to us then please send it to me. 

Please feel free to forward this email on to others that you think might be
interested especially in making input to UG on C2E.

This email has been circulated to interested community stakeholders and in
line with REDWatch policy it has also been copied to relevant Government
stakeholders in the interest of transparency.




Geoffrey Turnbull



Ph Wk: (02) 8004 1490  Mob: 0418 457 392

email:  <mailto:mail at redwatch.org.au> mail at redwatch.org.au 

web:  <http://www.redwatch.org.au> www.redwatch.org.au 


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