[REDWatch Heritage] Locomotive Workshop Assessment Report referred to IPC

Geoff Turnbull geoff at turnbulls-au.com
Wed Nov 14 12:59:16 AEDT 2018

Dear Heritage Interest People

This is just a quick email to advise that The Department of Planning have
issued their assessment report on the Mirvac proposal for the redevelopment
of the Locomotive Workshop at South Eveleigh. The assessment report deals
with the issues raised in submissions. The Department of Planning has
recommended that the project proceed with a number of conditions. We
encourage people who have an interest in this development to read the
assessment report and draft conditions (see links below).

As there were more than 25 objections the Department of Planning has
referred the final decision on the project and its conditions to the
Planning Commission
Note that while Council and The Heritage Office requested conditions they
did not object. A date for a public hearing, where people can raise any
additional concerns or suggestions for conditions, has not yet been set.
People who made submissions should receive notification on the hearing date
and an invitation to register to speak within the next few days. There will
also be an opportunity to make written comments to the commission if you do
not wish to attend and speak.

The key links to the assessment reports and draft conditions are:

   - SSD 8449 recommended Conditions Bays 5-15.pdf
   (253.8 KB)
   - SSD 8517 and SSD 8449 Assessment Report.pdf
   (15.04 MB)
   - SSD 8517 recommended Conditions Bays 1-4a.pdf
   (273.3 KB)

The key links to the Department of Planning and IPC websites are:

·         Independent Planning Commission - Locomotive Workshop Australian
Technology Park SSD 8517 and SSD 8449

·         Department of Planning – Bays 1-4a, Locomotive Workshop

·         Department of Planning – Bays 5-15, Locomotive Workshop

The Response to Submissions (RtS) frequently mentioned in the Assessment
report refers to the response made by Mirvac to the issues raised in
submissions or issues raised by the Department when they made their
assessment. You can see these documents in a section under the Department
of Planning links above.

REDWatch would welcome comments on issues which are worth pushing at the
IPC in the light of the assessment report.

Please send this on to others that might have an interest in this proposal.



Geoffrey Turnbull

REDWatch Co-Spokesperson

Ph Wk: (02) 8004 1490  Mob: 0418 457 392

email: spokesperson at redwatch.org.au

web: www.redwatch.org.au

FB: www.facebook.com/RedfernEveleighDarlingtonWaterlooWatch/
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