[REDWatch Heritage] Loco Workshop Heritage Call Out

Geoff Turnbull geoff at turnbulls-au.com
Tue Mar 19 10:16:05 AEDT 2019

Dear Heritage people,
Mirvac Heritage Consultation on Locomotive Workshop Redevelopment.

A couple of weeks ago that I reported that *Mirvac’s redevelopment of The
Locomotive Workshops was approved
<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statesignificant/atp/loco/190222redw>* and
that the approval included some strengthening of the heritage requirements.
One of those requirements was that a *Stage 2 Heritage Interpretation Plan
(HIP) *was required prior to a Construction Certificate being issued.

*Mirvac is now fast tracking the Stage 2 HIP and we need people with a
heritage interest in Eveleigh to input into the process ASAP and to make
sure we get the best possible Heritage Interpretation plan rather than the
fastest! Given the importance of the site to the Labour Movement it is
particularly concerning that the consultation happens around the election
weekend when many people will be committed elsewhere.*

Below are the details we have received from Mirvac:

*Mirvac has recently received planning approval for the adaptive reuse of
the Locomotive Workshop at South Eveleigh for mixed use purposes. *

*An important part of this approval is the preparation of the Stage 2
Heritage Interpretation Plan which will address interpretation for the
whole of the Locomotive Workshop, including commercial and retail. This
follows the Stage 1 Heritage Interpretation Strategy which guides heritage
interpretation across the whole of South Eveleigh and was approved in
February 2017 following consultation. *

*Mirvac is now preparing the Stage 2 Heritage Interpretation Plan for the
Locomotive Workshop. This Plan will guide the way that the unique heritage
and stories associated with the Locomotive Workshop will be celebrated and
interpreted using key concepts and design elements.*

*We invite you to have your say and learn more about the Stage 2 Heritage
Interpretation Plan for the Locomotive Workshop during one of three
interactive Community Workshops. *

*See below for workshops options:*

*Community Workshop 1 Date: Thursday, 21 March 2019 Time: 5:30-8:30pm*

*Community Workshop 2 Date: Saturday, 23 March 2019 Time: 10:00am-1:00pm*

*Community Workshop 3 Date: Monday, 25 March 2019 Time: 5:30 – 8:30pm*

*Location for all workshops*

*Mirvac Site Office (new location), Level 1, 2 Davy Road, South Eveleigh.
Food will be provided. *

*We hope you will be able to join us for one of these workshops.
Registration is essential as numbers are limited. *

*Please RSVP at https://mirvac_southeveleigh.eventbrite.com.au
<https://mirvac_southeveleigh.eventbrite.com.au>  *

*We would also appreciate if you could share details on the community
workshops with your networks and have attached the postcard which is being
distributed to local residents. More information is also found on the South
Eveleigh website https://southeveleigh.mirvac.com/
<https://southeveleigh.mirvac.com/> *
Eveleigh’s Large Erecting Shop is set for “Adaptive reuse”

We missed it at the time, but on 30 November 2018 Transport for NSW
announced a new Heritage transport centre at Chullora. The media release,
along with the factsheet, made specific reference to the Large Erecting
Shop (LES) at Eveleigh as being "adapted for new uses". We have been told
that the ATP sale to Mirvac contained a provision which allows Mirvac
rights to the LES if it is not required by Transport for NSW. REDWatch
missed the sale document when it was made public for a month after the sale
and subsequent requests to UrbanGrowth for a copy have not been successful.

The media statement also makes reference to the Paint Shop at Eveleigh but
it is not referenced as being "adapted for new uses". The text of the
statement and the fact sheet can be found on the REDWatch website at - A
new centre for heritage transport at Chullora - Eveleigh Implications

In 2006 the LES was zoned by the Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) for a 12
storey building. REDWatch fought that decision and one of the last acts of
the RWA was to remove that zoning and to return it to existing height with
uses compatible for operation as a heritage railway centre. When 3801 Ltd,
who had the licence to operate out of the LES, were asked to vacate the
space it was still supposed to be used for heritage rail uses. Large
Erecting Shop (1898-1906) is a part of the State Heritage Listing Eveleigh
Railway Workshops.

The announcement of funding for a heritage transport centre at Chullora
looks like it spells the end of an operational LES.



Geoffrey Turnbull

REDWatch Co-Spokesperson

Ph Wk: (02) 8004 1490  Mob: 0418 457 392

email: spokesperson at redwatch.org.au

web: www.redwatch.org.au

FB: www.facebook.com/RedfernEveleighDarlingtonWaterlooWatch/
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