[REDWatch Heritage] Information Session on Large Erecting Shop Redevelopment

Geoff Turnbull geoff at turnbulls-au.com
Mon May 23 18:57:31 AEST 2022

Dear Heritage People

Mirvac South Eveleigh are holding two information sessions on the future of
the Large Erecting Shop (LES).

We would like to advise of upcoming opportunities to learn more about the
Large Erecting Shed (LES) project at the precinct:

*Date and Time*


Tuesday 31 May, from 5:30 -7:00pm

In-person, Bay 5 Locomotive Workshop, proceed through the glass doors to
the left of Romeo’s Food Hall IGA.

Wednesday 1 June, from 5:30 – 6:30pm

Online via Zoom. Register your attendance here

Mirvac South Eveleigh also welcome you to share this with your networks.
For more information, contact the project team: 1800 870 549 |
south.eveleigh at mirvac.com

On 30 November 2018 Transport for NSW announced a new Heritage transport
centre at Chullora. The media release and factsheet
<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/heritage/large2/181130tfnsw>, made specific
reference to the Large Erecting Shop (LES) at Eveleigh as being "adapted
for new uses". The Australian Technology Park sale to Mirvac contained a
provision which allows Mirvac first right of refusal to the LES if not
required by Transport for NSW. The Mirvac South Eveleigh information
sessions are about what Mirvac wants to do with the LES.

One of the last things the Redfern Waterloo Authority did, at our urging
was to remove the 12 storey high-rise controls that they had placed over
the LES. This pushed was helped at the time by 3801 Ltd commissioning an
independent report that showed the building was sound and not about to fall
down as the RWA claimed. The current controls are for the existing height
and we note the 2018 TfNSW media release states: “the Government is
committed to the preservation of important buildings including the Large
Erecting Shop and Broadmeadow Roundhouse which will be adapted for new
uses.” The most likely outcome is hence a Mirvac proposal similar to that
being put in place for the Locomotive Workshops. You can find out more
about the LES on the REDWatch website section on The Large Erecting Shop

While the attached flyer makes no reference to the LES In a recent email to
locals Mirvac South Eveleigh said: “The Locomotive Workshop is now nearing
completion and we would like to use this forum to outline Mirvac’s vision
for future development within the precinct. This includes potential
opportunity for the adaptive reuse and restoration of the Large Erecting
Shed (LES), which is the subject of early discussions with its current
owners Transport for NSW. Please note that this project is currently
considered commercial in confidence.  … this upcoming meeting will
introduce the LES project, introduce you to the project team and provide an
opportunity to ask any questions.”

Finally, we have been advised by TfNSW that we should expect the planning
proposal for the Paint Shop Precinct for Redfern North Eveleigh to go on
exhibition in the next month or two.

Given the number of volunteers that have worked at the LES up until
relatively recently we are emailing the heritage list to let people know
about these information sessions. Please spread the word to people who
might have an interest.



Geoffrey Turnbull

REDWatch Co-Spokesperson

Ph Wk: (02) 8004 1490  Mob: 0418 457 392

email: spokesperson at redwatch.org.au

web: www.redwatch.org.au

FB: www.facebook.com/RedfernEveleighDarlingtonWaterlooWatch/
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