[REDWatch Heritage] LES / Clothing Store / Waterloo South / REDWatch Meeting 3 Dec

REDWatch Spokesperson spokesperson at redwatch.org.au
Sun Nov 20 12:20:29 AEDT 2022

Dear REDWatch members, supporters and agencies,

Large Erecting Shop – Council Submission

Clothing Store Precinct of North Eveleigh goes to market

Waterloo South Short listed Developers and CHPs Named

Reminder to Join REDWatch on 3rd December 1pm at The Settlement

Please note – this email contains hyperlinks. This means that if you see a blue underlined word or phrase that you can click on it and go directly to a document or to get more information.

It must be coming up to Christmas and a state election, every couple of days something new drops – here are the updates for the last five days.

Large Erecting Shop – Council Submission

Council’s submission on the Large Erecting Shop is now public and you can download it from the REDWatch website at City of Sydney Submission on Large Erecting Shop Rezoning Proposal<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statesignificant/southeveleigh/large/lesdev/221118cos/view> or from Council papers for the next meeting of Council.

Submissions close on 24th November and can be made online on the Department of Planning and Environment’s website: https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/node/30303866.

The REDWatch website has a guide to documents and covers some issues see Large Erecting Shop rezoning proposal Exhibition until 24 Nov 2022<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statesignificant/southeveleigh/large/lesdev/221104dpe> and REDWatch comments on LES use by Mirvac<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statesignificant/southeveleigh/large/lesdev/220531redwles>

Clothing Store Precinct of North Eveleigh goes to market
Minister Robert Stokes has announced on 17 November 2022 (see Media Release - Paint Shop Precinct - More Key Worker Housing for Redfern<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statesignificant/northeveleigh/TfNSW/rnecs/221117tahe>) that Expressions of Interest (EOI) have been called for the redevelopment of the Clothing Store sub-precinct of Redfern North Eveleigh. The redevelopment is to provide 75% of the up to 600 homes as build to rent and 15% affordable housing on a 99 year ground lease with Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE) retaining land ownership. The development is expected to be consistent with the existing planning controls.
TAHE / TfNSW have leafleted the area around the site about the renewal and have also released the Potential Clothing Store and Park Charrette Outcome<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statesignificant/northeveleigh/TfNSW/rnecs/221117tahec/view> from the workshop they conducted with some residents and government bodies a few weeks ago. This document is to guide developer thinking about the retained Clothing store uses and uses of the new park proposed on the western end. Community consultation will take place for planning the Park, The Clothing Store and the buildings proposed on the site.
The community successfully fought off a move from Urbangrowth to increase density on the site and the 2008 Master Plan still applies to the site – you can see some of the history and the 2008 plan on the Stealing Our Skies North Eveleigh website<http://www.stealingourskies.com/north-eveleigh-precinct-plans/>.
The site already has 88 affordable homes at the Platform Apartments built in 2015. If the affordable homes in the announcement are additional then it would add up to 90 additional affordable homes and would take the proportion of affordable homes on the completed site to 30%.
Waterloo South Short listed Developers and CHPs Named
Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) has announced that Mirvac, Lendlease, Stockland and Frasers have been shortlisted to be considered to redevelop the Waterloo Public Housing Estate. These developers will now submit proposals for the redevelopment next year before the list is reduced to two bidders before a final decision late in 2023.
The announcement was made through a media drop to Australian Financial Review (AFR) without the general release of a media statement. As a result the information is only available to public housing tenants if they are in the unlikely position of having a paid subscription to the AFR.
The AFR article provided the developer and the Community Housing Providers (CHPs) they have partnered with - we have provided links to their websites for easy access. The four consortiums are:
Mirvac (www.mirvac.com<http://www.mirvac.com/>) partnered with

  *   Community Housing Limited – www.chl.org.au<http://www.chl.org.au/>
  *   Aboriginal Community Housing Limited – www.achl.org.au<http://www.achl.org.au/>
  *   National Affordable Housing Consortium Limited – www.nahc.org.au<http://www.nahc.org.au/> is a subsidiary

Lendlease (www.lendlease.com/au/<http://www.lendlease.com/au/> ) partnered with

  *   St George Community Housing - www.sgch.com.au<http://www.sgch.com.au/>
Frasers Property Australia (www.frasersproperty.com.au<http://www.frasersproperty.com.au/> ) partnered with

  *   Bridge Housing - www.bridgehousing.org.au<http://www.bridgehousing.org.au/>
Stockland (www.stockland.com.au<http://www.stockland.com.au/> ) partnered with

  *   Link Wentworth Housing - www.linkwentworth.org.au<http://www.linkwentworth.org.au/>
  *   City West Housing – www.citywesthousing.com.au<http://www.citywesthousing.com.au/>
  *   Birribee Housing – www.birribee.org.au<http://www.birribee.org.au/> (a subsidiary of NSW Aboriginal Land Council)

The consortiums appear to be new pairings of developers and CHPs. For example Fraser's Property successfully tendered for the redevelopment of Ivanhoe Estate with Mission Australia Housing but for Waterloo they have teamed up with Bridge Housing and Mission Australia Housing are not part of any successful bid team. Bridge has previously paired with Deicorp on a couple of developments.
According to the AFR the “NSW government’s Land and Housing Corporation is seeking to establish a Master Development Agreement that will start with the 3000-dwelling Waterloo South component but then offer the same developer – subject to value for money – development rights for the remaining sections of the project that has a $4.4 billion end value”.
The 30 year length of the project will see more of a partnering approach between LAHC and the successful developer to exclude unknown potential risks.
The AFR says “Rising construction costs and uncertainties driven by the pandemic have driven calls for amore collaborative approach in large commercial construction projects. Pushing all risks on to a contractor for a decades-long project could make contractors or consortiums raise prices to cover their risks… Unpredictable weather and supply chain shortages are also prompting developers to take on more risks in construction and infrastructure contracts from builders to ensure that projects get completed.”
The LAHC announcement came only days after the Waterloo Planning Controls were finalised<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/Waterloo/lahc22-23/221115redwws>.
If you can get past the paywall with this link you can read the original AFR article Mirvac, Lendlease, Stockland, Frasers in race for $4bWaterloo South<https://www.google.com/search?q=Mirvac%2C+Lendlease%2C+Stockland%2C+Frasers+in+race+for+%244b+Waterloo+South+afr.com%2Fproperty%2Fcommercial%2Fmirvac-lendlease-stockland-frasers-in-race-for-4b-waterloo-south-20221115-p5byez+15+November+2022+Exclusive+Michael+Bleby+Senior+reporter+Nov+15&rlz=1C1GCEA_enAU938AU938&oq=Mirvac%2C+Lendlease%2C+Stockland%2C+Frasers+in+race+for+%244b+Waterloo+South+afr.com%2Fproperty%2Fcommercial%2Fmirvac-lendlease-stockland-frasers-in-race-for-4b-waterloo-south-20221115-p5byez+15+November+2022+Exclusive+Michael+Bleby+Senior+reporter+Nov+15&aqs=chrome.0.69i59.602j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8>.
Reminder to Join REDWatch on 3rd December 1pm at The Settlement
This year’s REDWatch Annual General Meeting (AGM) is combined with an end of year get together, forum and lunch on Saturday December 3rd 2022 at 1 pm at the Settlement Neighbourhood Centre 17 Edward Street Darlington. So, mark it in your diary and come along – it is open to everyone. The REDWatch (AGM) will be held at 3pm on the day and will also be accessible on zoom<https://tinyurl.com/RedwatchZoomMeeting>. There will be no REDWatch meeting on Thursday 1st December.
Further details are to follow about the forum (so keep an eye out on our Facebook page) but broadly speaking, we are bringing communities together to discuss the issues that impact all of us, and how we can be best placed to address them. We will be joined by special guests to discuss climate adaptation in cities, housing affordability, and how we can ensure communities can thrive in dense neighbourhoods. We will be placing an emphasis on ACTION. We all care about these issues, but how can we mobilise and effect meaningful change for the better of our communities and neighbourhoods?
It costs $2 to become a member of REDWatch and to renew your yearly membership. The membership fees enable us to maintain our website and pay for other essential costs so REDWatch volunteers don't need to cover the costs themselves. These should be paid before the AGM by EFT<http://www.redwatch.org.au/redwatch/support> or on the day to Jose Perez, REDWatch treasurer and Public Officer. Donations are always very welcome and help support the REDWatch website (which is in need of urgent updating).
You can download a membership application form from the REDWatch website<http://www.redwatch.org.au/redwatch/incorporation> and email it to mail at redwatch.org.au<mailto:mail at redwatch.org.au> or filled out on the day. If you don’t have an existing member to endorse your application a committee member will be happy to complete your application form.
If you would like to be more involved in REDWatch then drop us a line at mail at redwatch.org.au<mailto:mail at redwatch.org.au> and someone will contact you and have a chat. REDWatch is looking for some more people to be involved on our Coordination group to plan meetings and activities as well as other tasks.


Geoffrey Turnbull
REDWatch Co-Spokesperson
Ph Wk: (02) 8004 1490  Mob: 0418 457 392
email: spokesperson at redwatch.org.au<mailto:spokesperson at redwatch.org.au>
web: www.redwatch.org.au<http://www.redwatch.org.au/>
FB: www.facebook.com/RedfernEveleighDarlingtonWaterlooWatch/<http://www.facebook.com/RedfernEveleighDarlingtonWaterlooWatch/>

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