[REDWatch Heritage] CME CMP & Exhibition / Bridge Housing on Elizabeth Street next REDWatch meeting / Newtown Candidates Forum

REDWatch Spokesperson spokesperson at redwatch.org.au
Mon Feb 20 18:33:48 AEDT 2023

Dear REDWatch members, supporters and agencies,

Reminder - Chief Mechanical Engineers (CME) Building SSDA closes 21 Feb

REDWatch March 2nd - What Next for PCYC Elizabeth Street Site?

Newtown Electorate Candidate’s Forum – 15 March 2023 7pm

Reminder - Inner City NSW Electorate Boundary Changes
Please note – this email contains hyperlinks. This means that if you see a blue underlined word or phrase that you can click on it and go directly to a document or to get more information.
Reminder - Chief Mechanical Engineers (CME) Building SSDA closes 21 Feb
This exhibition closes tomorrow on Tuesday 21 February so if you have something to say about how this State Significant building is to be developed then get your comments in.
We are pleased to advise that in the last few days TfNSW has released the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) and it is now on the exhibition website or can be directly downloaded CMECMP Final draft revised16.2.23<https://majorprojects.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/prweb/PRRestService/mp/01/getContent?AttachRef=SSD-39971796%2120230220T032341.702%20GMT>
REDWatch requested that Transport for NSW (TfNSW) also make available the CMP for the CME’s Building when it was referenced in the exhibition documents but not released. In the words of DPE’s Heritage NSW Conservation management plans<https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/topics/heritage/manage-heritage-items/conservation-management-plans> webpage, “Conservation management plans outline what is significant about a place and how to manage changes over time to ensure the significance is retained.” They are especially important “where substantial change is contemplated to a heritage item” as is the case with the CME’s Building. Under Heritage NSWs best practice document “plans should be publicly available as reference documents”. The CMP is now publicly accessible.
A number of duplicate files have also been added to the DPE website with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) after them – we assume these are more accessible files under the WCAG.
While REDWatch supports the CME’s building being restored and brought to a new use, we are unable to assess if the work proposed meets the Burra Charter<https://australia.icomos.org/publications/burra-charter-practice-notes/> conservation principles and if all the alterations are really required to bring it to the new use.
REDWatch remains of the view that a heritage centre is needed somewhere on the former Eveleigh railway site to collect and display materials connected to the site that are not currently held by Mirvac or Government. A significant building like the CME’s building would be an appropriate place for such a repository if it could be made to work with another use.
You can make a submission on the exhibition on the 505 Wilson Street, Redfern - CME Building<https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/projects/505-wilson-street-redfern-cme-building> Exhibition web page.
REDWatch March 2nd - What Next for PCYC Elizabeth Street Site?
At the next REDWatch meeting we will hear from Bridge Housing and Capella Capital, that are the successful tenderers for the Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) owned site opposite Redfern Oval. They plan something different to what LAHC initially proposed and want to deliver a large amount of affordable housing and a reduced amount of privately owned housing in addition to the 100 social housing units LAHC requires.
Join us to hear from them about their plans and about the consultations they will have with the community over the next year as they put together their Development Application (DA) for this site.
The meeting will be held on Thursday March 2, 6pm at the Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo or you can join on Zoom via https://tinyurl.com/RedwatchZoomMeeting.
Newtown Electorate Candidate’s Forum – 15 March 2023 7pm
For those in Newtown electorate, a candidate’s forum will be held on Wednesday 15th March at 7pm, at Erskineville Town Hall.
The candidates will give opening comments based on the top 3 issues determined by resident survey, followed by a Q&A from the audience. We will be sharing a survey link for the Newtown forum soon. You can find more details as they become available here<https://click.actionnetwork.org/ss/c/atcYNHk4Eh2YdGnwBh-YDPAZiEt8wwS6hp5wOIb3CiJwfmolR_YSBrlCrfSH-QM5hETfJ3a8iwJKrqZhf3fjFDYoF3Ok2omaBA2L0DqXQUJ2k5r4E4WyNJHXcTWwIag3PbdQupvNE1YO3FIcZict-uNiBMtuyFI_LaVezhoymkmIeQbP76MLtgrCM0iskrHrnPtGxl2yY_zf-tR6cwwmQT3P6lk50FSQWvMgoYZuEL5VaN58O2elvLn5kpt-GGIQrhh7bR27wvnJI3-hAMZdP0Aycw5fKXXujWUz_rlda7B3GqlKR-XP1CqzkK86j89LXq1gMdkC1pIf4NOE-mmDfR4CmApxGP1Z2lTLS8axbag/3te/Pz5yXrQxTZu6ENMm1p-5Pw/h2/5qSBhmft-4nEcxKOrmzxpMjOW-o9m4tFga2h9Y5bFmw>
All officially registered candidates are invited. For Newtown we have confirmed attendance from Jenny Leong (Greens) and David Hetherington (Labor). There may be others. If you are a candidate and wish to participate, please email: friends at friendsoferskineville.org.
Reminder - Inner City NSW Electorate Boundary Changes
The electorate boundaries have changed for the coming state election. For example, Heffron now includes all of Waterloo, so Newtown loses Waterloo public housing. On the other side Heffron also loses its parts of Surry Hills to the electorate of Sydney. Parts of Alexandria also change electorates.
The South Sydney Herald has put information on the boundary changes on its website, so you can check how you can check your electorate in its post - What’s your state electorate? Check as boundaries have changed<https://southsydneyherald.com.au/whats-your-electorate-check-as-boundarieshave-changed/>.
You can also use the Electoral Commissions Please use the address lookup tool<https://elections.nsw.gov.au/elections/find-my-electorate> to identify your State district and find information about voting centres in your area.

Geoffrey Turnbull
REDWatch Co-Spokesperson
Ph Wk: (02) 8004 1490  Mob: 0418 457 392
email: spokesperson at redwatch.org.au
web: www.redwatch.org.au<http://www.redwatch.org.au/>
FB: www.facebook.com/RedfernEveleighDarlingtonWaterlooWatch/<http://www.facebook.com/RedfernEveleighDarlingtonWaterlooWatch/>

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