[REDWatch Heritage] Paint Shop Precinct North Eveleigh Rezoning Approved with Changes

REDWatch Spokesperson spokesperson at redwatch.org.au
Fri Feb 24 20:34:30 AEDT 2023

Dear REDWatch members, supporters and agencies,

New Planning Controls for the Paint Shop Precinct determined

Chief Mechanical Engineer’s Building – comment still by email until 28 February 2023

REDWatch March 2nd – Hear a Community Housing Provider present on the PCYC Elizabeth Street Site?
Please note – this email contains hyperlinks. This means that if you see a blue underlined word or phrase that you can click on it and go directly to a document or to get more information.
New Planning Controls for the Paint Shop Precinct determined
The Paint Shop Precinct Planning Controls have been finalised and posted late today on both the Department of Planning and Environment’s Paint Shop Exhibition page - www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/paintshop<http://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/paintshop> and on the Legislations website.
REDWatch has done a quick review to let people know. The current caretaker restrictions heading into the state election mean that TfNSW are unable to put out flyers to the community to let them know about the determination. TfNSW will update its website next week with information on the determination. Given this please spread the word about the determination.
While the total gross floor space has not been reduced it has been rearranged by relocating buildings. The building proposed over the Paint Shop has been removed. A 10% design excellence incentive has been introduced by reducing the initial floor space ratio across the site. Planning decisions over $10mwill be made as State Significant Developments rather than by Council.
Key changes in response to submissions
The Finalisation Report summarises the key changes in the following words (page 29)
Following public exhibition, TfNSW was asked to consider the issues raised in submissions and provide recommended amendments to address concerns raised. The key amendments recommended by TfNSW in response to public, organisation and government agency comments and submissions include:

  *   Connecting with Country – Development of the themes of Ngurang (places) and Mura (tracks) to allow to allow the stories, history, memories and Aboriginal voices to be expressed throughout the Sub Precinct through public art, interpretation, wayfinding and curation of First Nations business. As well as new ground level indoor/outdoor spaces for the Aboriginal community in the eastern end of the site in a location highly visible from Redfern Station and easily accessed from Wilson Street.
  *   Heritage – Improved built form setting and heritage outcomes including:
     *   removal of the built form addition over the Paint Shop
     *   improved conservation of the fan of tracks
     *   increased visibility of the Paint Shop and additional ground-level permeability.
  *   Land Use Distribution – Relocation of residential development away from the rail corridor.
  *   Permeability and grain – Further refinement to create a fine grain and highly permeable ground plane with the introduction of laneways, arcades and atriums throughout the site.
  *   Commercial typologies - Flexibility to develop alternative building approaches to tower and podium that support large format innovation and tech uses.
  *   Connections - Preliminary investigation of an over rail connection to South Eveleigh.
Page 30 and 31 of the Finalisation Report contain illustrations of the amended proposal – you can see these on the REDWatch website at Fig 13b Amended TfNSW Proposal Paint Shop Precinct North Eveleigh - master plan layout<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statesignificant/northeveleigh/TfNSW/paintshoprezone/230224tfnsw13b/view> and Fig 13a Amended TfNSW Proposal Paint Shop Precinct North Eveleigh - Artist Impression<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statesignificant/northeveleigh/TfNSW/paintshoprezone/230224tfnswps13a/view>. Remember however this is a rezoning so the final buildings will not look like they do on page 30. The final designs will be determined at Development Application stage.
A more detailed view of what was changed and why can be found in Section 7 Consideration – Paint Shop Sub Precinct of the Paint Shop Sub Precinct Rezoning Finalisation Report<https://shared-drupal-s3fs.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/master-test/fapub_pdf/NSW+Planning+Portal+Exhibitions/Finalisation+Report+(1).pdf>.
What has been approved?
A brief summary of what has been approved has been provided by Council to REDWatch:

  *   110,000sqm - commercial and/or high-tech space
  *   3,700sqm community facility
  *   28,300sqm residential
     *   15% affordable housing
     *   15% co-living, seniors housing or diverse housing
  *   11,200sqm open space
  *   Up to 20 car spaces for Little Eveleigh Street residents
  *   Works such as public art, street furniture, landscaping, play equipment, lighting and roads can be carried out as exempt development

The links to the DPE determination documents are:

  *   Paint Shop Sub Precinct Rezoning Finalisation Report<https://shared-drupal-s3fs.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/master-test/fapub_pdf/NSW+Planning+Portal+Exhibitions/Finalisation+Report+(1).pdf> (the assessment report)
  *   Paint Shop Sub Precinct  Rezoning What We Heard Report<https://shared-drupal-s3fs.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/master-test/fapub_pdf/NSW+Planning+Portal+Exhibitions/PaintShop_WhatWeHeard_01d.pdf> (a DPE summary brochure on the changes).
  *   Paint Shop Sub Precinct Design Guide<https://shared-drupal-s3fs.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/master-test/fapub_pdf/NSW+Planning+Portal+Exhibitions/Design+Guide.pdf> (an updated design guide incorporating the changes)
  *   Please Note: That no TfNSW response to submissions document has been released only the DPE assessment report which references TfNSW’s responses.

Also public on the Legislation website:

  *   State Environmental Planning Policy Amendment (Redfern–North Eveleigh Paint Shop Sub-precinct) 2023<https://legislation.nsw.gov.au/view/pdf/asmade/epi-2023-84> – this is the planning policy that brings the rezoning into effect on 30 June 2023.

Under negotiation to be finalised before June 2023:

  *   Transport for NSW and the City of Sydney are to negotiate a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) which is to be exhibited before the end of June 2023. The VPA will determine and secure the ongoing ownership and management of the public open space, provide for local infrastructure and ensure 15% of total residential floor space is affordable housing.

Heading into the election

  *   If you have concerns about what has been decided, heading into an election you can raise your concerns with the candidates and their party spokespeople.

This is a quick alert from REDWatch, we have not been able to unpack all the implications from the decision. Please let us know your concerns so it informs our feedback.
This information is also on the REDWatch website at Paint Shop Precinct Rezoning Determination<http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/statesignificant/northeveleigh/TfNSW/paintshoprezone/230224dpe> for ease of sharing with others.
Chief Mechanical Engineer’s Building – comment still by email until 28 February 2023
Did you know that according to the just released CME Conservation Management Plan (CMP), TfNSW is seeking specialist advice to prepare the Chief Mechanical Engineers (CME) Building in Wilson Street for sale for commercial use (CMP p86).
While the SSDA is about the renovation of the building and not what TfNSW / TAHE might do with it afterwards. A proposal that such a significant building would be sold is a major concern.
TAHE is talking about long term land leases in the Clothing Store precinct. The CME's building should not be sold off but instead retained by government and leased. The Section 170 heritage protections only apply to government owned assets.
The CMP sets out what should and should not happen in the development of the building. It is of concern that this document only came out a day before the exhibition closed. As it came out late in the exhibition period the department of Planning will accept submissions on the CME's building exhibition until 28 February. Late submissions or supplementary submissions (if you made a submission before the CMP became public) have to be made by email to the planner responsible for the exhibition - paula.bizimis at planning.nsw.gov.au.
REDWatch March 2nd – Hear a Community Housing Provider present on the PCYC Elizabeth Street Site?
A Reminder that at the next REDWatch meeting we will hear from Bridge Housing and Capella Capital, that are the successful tenderers for the Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) owned site opposite Redfern Oval. They plan something different to what LAHC initially proposed and want to deliver a large amount of affordable housing and a reduced amount of privately owned housing in addition to the 100 social housing units LAHC requires.
Join us to hear from them about their plans and about the consultations they will have with the community over the next year as they put together their Development Application (DA) for this site.
The meeting will be held on Thursday March 2, 6pm at the Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo or you can join on Zoom via https://tinyurl.com/RedwatchZoomMeeting.


Geoffrey Turnbull
REDWatch Co-Spokesperson
Ph Wk: (02) 8004 1490  Mob: 0418 457 392
email: spokesperson at redwatch.org.au
web: www.redwatch.org.au<http://www.redwatch.org.au/>
FB: www.facebook.com/RedfernEveleighDarlingtonWaterlooWatch/<http://www.facebook.com/RedfernEveleighDarlingtonWaterlooWatch/>

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